Petiska > Pets > Birds > Budgerigars > Budgies & Water: Is Tap Water, Filtered Water, Bottled Water, Flavored Water, Vitamin Water, And Distilled Water Safe For Budgies?
This content is reviewed by Leslie Berry (Petiska Editor) Leslie Berry .
Silvester Lynton
Petiska Editor

Budgies & Water: Is Tap Water, Filtered Water, Bottled Water, Flavored Water, Vitamin Water, And Distilled Water Safe For Budgies?

Budgies can safely drink filtered, bottled, and distilled water.

Tap water can also be used, but it must be dechlorinated first due to potentially harmful substances.

Flavored and vitamin waters are not recommended, as they may contain additives that are harmful to budgies.

For all the bird lovers, especially budgie owners, my experiences, readings, and observations have inspired me to create this informative piece about budgies and their water consumption.

It is an essential guide on the safe types of water for budgies, aimed at answering your pressing concerns and providing valuable insights for optimal budgie care.

Types Of Water That Humans Are Likely To Give To Budgies

Before delving into the specific types of water, itā€™s essential to recognize the universal truth that water, irrespective of its source, plays a crucial role in maintaining the overall health and well-being of budgies.

Their bodies, like ours, comprise approximately 60% water.

This underscores the importance of providing clean, safe water to these delightful creatures.

Now, letā€™s unpack the characteristics of the different types of water and their implications on the health of our feathery companions.

Here is a table ā€œComparison of Water Types for Budgie Healthā€ for quick look.

Water TypeScore for Budgie HealthBrief Explanation
Bottled Water4/5While safe, bottled water can sometimes contain minerals in high quantities which could be harmful.
Distilled Water3/5Distilled water is the safest for budgies as it removes all impurities, but it lacks beneficial minerals. Therefore, a balanced diet is necessary to supplement these.
Filtered Water3/5Filtered water removes most harmful substances like chlorine, but might not eliminate all contaminants.
Tap Water2/5Most tap water contains chlorine and fluoride which can harm budgies. Itā€™s advisable to use dechlorinated or standing tap water.
Hard Water2/5Hard water has high mineral content which could harm budgies, especially if it includes high levels of iron. Itā€™s safe in moderation, but should not be the only water source.
Flavored Water0/5Flavored water contains sugars, artificial flavors, and chemicals which are harmful to budgies.
Vitamin Water0/5Vitamin water often contains added sugars and vitamins that could lead to health problems in budgies.

Tap Water

The most readily available and commonly used water source is tap water.

Itā€™s an easy solution as it flows directly from our faucets, making it an affordable and convenient option.

But hereā€™s the crux of the matter: tap water often contains disinfectants like chlorine and chloramines to kill bacteria and other pathogens.

While this makes the water safe for human consumption, these substances can potentially irritate a budgieā€™s respiratory system, causing discomfort or even health issues.

Furthermore, tap water might contain traces of heavy metals such as lead, copper, and zinc, which might seep into the water from old pipes.

While the levels are typically safe for human consumption, budgies, due to their small size and unique physiology, may react adversely to these elements.

Thus, while tap water is an easy choice, it might not always be the best for our feathered friends.

Filtered Water

A viable alternative to tap water is filtered water.

Home filtration systems remove many impurities, including heavy metals, chlorine, and other potentially harmful substances.

This makes filtered water a safer option for budgies as it reduces their exposure to such elements.

However, the efficacy of filtered water largely depends on the quality of the filter used.

Hence, while filtered water is typically safer than tap water, itā€™s essential to ensure the filter is of high quality and regularly maintained.

Bottled Water

Next up is bottled water.

Some individuals prefer this option, believing it to be purer and safer for their pets.

While itā€™s true that bottled water undergoes rigorous filtration processes, itā€™s essential to consider that it may still contain trace amounts of chemicals from the plastic bottle itself.

Plus, itā€™s not the most environmentally-friendly option.

Therefore, while bottled water is generally safe for budgies, it may not be the most sustainable choice.

Flavored Water

Flavored water is a popular human beverage, but is it suitable for budgies? The short answer is no.

These beverages often contain sugars, artificial flavors, and other additives that can potentially harm a budgieā€™s health.

Itā€™s best to steer clear of flavored water when it comes to hydrating your feathery friend.

Vitamin Water

While vitamin water may sound like a nutrient-packed option, itā€™s not suitable for budgies.

Much like flavored water, vitamin water contains additives and sugars that are unnecessary and potentially harmful to budgies.

Itā€™s always best to provide essential nutrients through a balanced diet rather than relying on fortified water.

Distilled Water

Distilled water is purified through a rigorous process of boiling and condensation, ensuring itā€™s free from most impurities.

While it might seem like the purest form of water, the distillation process also removes essential minerals, making it less ideal as a regular water source for budgies.

Hard Water

Hard water is characterized by a high concentration of minerals like calcium and magnesium.

While these minerals are essential for budgiesā€™ health, an excess can lead to health complications.

Therefore, itā€™s best to soften hard water before providing it to your budgie to ensure a balanced mineral intake.

What Are The Substances In The Waters That Are Likely To Harm Budgerigars?

Providing clean, safe water to your budgie, is crucial for their health and longevity.

However, there are several substances found in different types of water that can potentially be harmful to these birds.

Letā€™s delve into these substances and their potential harm.


Chlorine is commonly used as a disinfectant in tap water to kill bacteria and other pathogens.

While itā€™s safe for human consumption, it can be harmful to budgies.

Inhalation of chlorine vapors can irritate the budgieā€™s respiratory system, potentially leading to respiratory distress.

Additionally, ingestion of chlorine can cause gastric issues, discomfort, and other health problems.

Thus, if providing tap water to your budgie, itā€™s crucial to dechlorinate it beforehand.


Fluoride is another compound often found in tap water, added for the benefit of human dental health.

However, this compound can have negative effects on budgies.

High levels of fluoride may lead to a condition known as fluorosis, which can cause a variety of symptoms such as digestive problems, lethargy, and in severe cases, bone deformities.

Therefore, itā€™s critical to limit your budgieā€™s exposure to fluoride.


Chloramines, a combination of chlorine and ammonia, are also used to disinfect water.

They are a more stable compound than chlorine alone, making them more difficult to remove from water.

Similar to chlorine, inhalation or ingestion of chloramines can lead to irritation of the respiratory tract, gastric distress, and other health problems in budgies.

If your tap water is treated with chloramines, consider using a water filter that can effectively remove them.

Heavy Metals

Heavy metals, such as lead, copper, and zinc, can sometimes be found in tap water, often seeping into the supply from pipes and plumbing systems.

Even trace amounts of these metals can be harmful to budgies due to their high sensitivity.

These metals can accumulate in a birdā€™s system over time, leading to heavy metal poisoning.

Symptoms of this condition can range from loss of appetite and balance issues to severe neurological damage.

Pesticides and Herbicides

Pesticides and herbicides that may find their way into water sources can be harmful to budgies.

These substances, designed to kill or inhibit the growth of unwanted plants or pests, can have a wide range of negative effects on budgiesā€™ health.

Ingestion can lead to organ damage, reproductive problems, and neurological disorders.

Thus, itā€™s crucial to ensure that any water given to your budgie is free from these harmful substances.

In conclusion, itā€™s essential to be mindful of these substances when choosing a water source for your budgie.

Providing filtered or specially treated water can help ensure your budgie remains healthy and lives a long, vibrant life.

Insights from the Study: ā€œNutrition-Related Problems in Pet Birdsā€

The studyĀ (, ā€œNutrition-related Problems in Pet Birdsā€œ, underlines the fundamental role of dietary accuracy in avian health.

It discusses several health conditions in birds, like budgerigars, caused by nutritional deficiencies or excesses.

One key observation is the occurrence of goitre in budgerigars due to iodine-deficient drinking water and a diet heavily based on millet.

This issue underscores the necessity of a well-balanced diet and the provision of clean, suitable water to these pet birds.

Overall, this study reinforces the importance of carefully considering the diet and hydration of our pet budgerigars, taking into account the potential risks of nutritional imbalances and the quality of their drinking water.

It serves as a significant reminder of the link between optimal nutrition and the health of our pet birds.


Is Tap Water Suitable For Preparing My Budgieā€™s Food?

While tap water is often suitable for humans, it can potentially harm budgies due to the presence of substances like chlorine, fluoride, and chloramines.

Therefore, if youā€™re using tap water to prepare your budgieā€™s food, itā€™s crucial to first dechlorinate it or use a water filter to remove harmful substances.

Alternatively, consider using bottled or filtered water that doesnā€™t contain these compounds.

How Often Should I Change The Water For My Budgie?

Budgies should always have access to fresh, clean water.

Therefore, itā€™s recommended to change your budgieā€™s water daily.

Not only does this ensure that theyā€™re drinking clean water, but it also prevents the buildup of bacteria and algae, which could potentially harm your budgie.Ā 

How Long Can Budgies Live Without Water?

Budgies, like all living creatures, need water to survive.

While they can typically survive for around 24 hours without water, this isnā€™t ideal and can cause undue stress and health issues.

Can Budgies Drink Dirty Water?

Dirty water can pose a significant health risk to budgies.

It can contain harmful bacteria, parasites, or toxic substances, which can lead to various health issues, including digestive problems and infections.

Therefore, itā€™s crucial to provide your budgie with fresh, clean water at all times.Ā 

Can Budgies Consume Mineral Water?

Budgies can consume mineral water as it is generally free of harmful substances, though itā€™s important to ensure the mineral content is suitable for their health.

Excessive minerals might be harmful, so itā€™s advisable to give time to time.

Is Dechlorination Necessary If Iā€™m Using Tap Water For My Budgie?

Yes, dechlorination is necessary if youā€™re using tap water for your budgie.

Chlorine, commonly found in tap water, can be harmful to budgies, hence it should be removed before offering the water to your feathered friend.

Are There Any Risks Of Giving My Budgie Bottled Water?

Generally, bottled water is safe for budgies.

However, itā€™s important to ensure the water doesnā€™t contain added flavors or other additives.

Some bottled waters may also have high mineral content, which can potentially harm budgies.

Can I Give My Budgie Distilled Water Regularly?

While distilled water is free from potentially harmful substances, it also lacks essential minerals.

Therefore, providing a balance of distilled water and mineral-enriched water can be beneficial for budgiesā€™ overall health.