Petiska > Pets > Birds > Budgerigars > Do Budgies Sneeze? Budgie Keep Sneezing? +Persistent And One-Time Sneeze +Precautions +Sneeze Sound
This content is reviewed by Leslie Berry (Petiska Editor) Leslie Berry .
Silvester Lynton
Petiska Editor

Do Budgies Sneeze? Budgie Keep Sneezing? +Persistent And One-Time Sneeze +Precautions +Sneeze Sound

Yes, budgies do sneeze.

Sneezing is a natural reflex that helps them clear their nasal passages.

Persistent sneezing can indicate an underlying health issue.

Taking precautions like maintaining cleanliness, avoiding irritants, and providing proper ventilation can help prevent sneezing.

The sound of a budgie’s sneeze can vary but is typically a quick, high-pitched sound.

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What Causes Budgies To Sneeze?

Budgie sneezing is a common occurrence.

Various factors can trigger this response, ranging from benign incidents like inhaling a bit of dust to more concerning health issues.

By categorizing these causes into two distinct groups—those that can cause frequent or persistent sneezing, and those that lead to a one-time sneeze—we can better understand the reasons behind our budgies’ sneezes.

What Makes Budgies Keep Sneezing? What Causes Frequent Or Persistent Sneezing In Budgies?

Frequent or persistent sneezing in budgies is often a sign of an underlying health problem.

While occasional sneezing is normal, persistent sneezing should be a cause for concern and warrants a visit to the vet.

The following are some potential causes:

Respiratory Infection (Bacteria, Fungi, Or Viruses)

Respiratory infections are a common cause of persistent sneezing in budgies.

These infections can be caused by bacteria, fungi, or viruses.

They can lead to inflammation of the respiratory tract, making it harder for your budgie to breathe and causing them to sneeze more frequently.

If left untreated, respiratory infections can become severe and life-threatening.

Chronic Exposure To Irritants (Dust, Chemical Fumes, Or Smoke)

Chronic exposure to irritants like dust, chemical fumes, or smoke can cause ongoing irritation to your budgie’s respiratory system, leading to persistent sneezing.

This is often accompanied by other symptoms such as wheezing, difficulty breathing, or discharge from the nostrils.


While not as common, budgies can develop allergies to certain substances in their environment, including certain types of food, bedding, or pollen.

These allergies can trigger inflammation in the respiratory tract, leading to symptoms like sneezing, wheezing, and nasal discharge.

Chronic Mite Or Parasite Infestation

Mites or parasites can infest a budgie’s respiratory tract, leading to chronic sneezing.

In addition to sneezing, mites can cause other symptoms such as itching, feather loss, and changes in behavior.

Foreign Bodies

Foreign bodies like seeds, small pieces of toys, or bedding can become lodged in your budgie’s nasal passages, causing them to sneeze persistently in an attempt to dislodge the object.

Nasal Tumors

Although rare, nasal tumors can cause chronic sneezing in budgies.

These tumors can obstruct the nasal passages, making it harder for your budgie to breathe and leading to persistent sneezing.

Nasal tumors often require surgical intervention to treat.

What Can Cause One-time Sneezing (Temporary) In Budgies?

There are various reasons why a budgie may sneeze just once or a few times.

While one-time sneezing is typically not a cause for concern, it’s helpful to know what might prompt such a response from your feathered friend.

Some reasons include:

Dust Or Debris

In their natural environments, budgies often encounter dust or debris.

When these minute particles enter a budgie’s nasal passages, a sneeze can help to clear the airways.

This type of sneezing is usually spontaneous and happens once or twice, then stops once the irritant is expelled.

Strong Smells (Cooking Smells, Fragrances, Or Cleaning Products)

Budgies have a sensitive sense of smell, so strong or unusual odors can trigger a sneeze.

Anything from cooking smells to fragrances or the scent of certain cleaning products can cause a budgie to sneeze.

This reaction typically only lasts as long as the odor is present.

Foreign Bodies

Just like us, budgies can also inhale small particles of food, feather, or other foreign bodies accidentally.

When this happens, they may sneeze to clear their nostrils.

This is typically a one-time event and not something to be overly concerned about.

Sudden Change In Temperature Or Humidity

Budgies can be sensitive to their environment.

A rapid change in temperature or humidity can cause your budgie to sneeze.

For instance, if you take your budgie from a warm room to a cold one, it might sneeze in response to the sudden change.

Feather Maintenance

As budgies preen and molt, they can generate a lot of dust and dander from their feathers.

This feather dust can be inhaled and cause a sneeze.

This behavior is typically observed during active preening or molting periods.

Drinking Water

When drinking water, budgies can occasionally inhale a small amount, which may cause a sneeze to clear the nasal passages.

While it may sound concerning, it’s typically nothing more than a brief, one-time sneeze to clear the nostrils.

What Precautions Can I Take To Prevent Budgies From Sneezing?

To keep your budgies healthy and minimize the chances of sneezing, there are several precautions you can take.

These measures create a clean and safe environment for your feathered friends.

Maintain Cleanliness

Regularly clean and disinfect your budgies’ cage, toys, perches, and feeding dishes.

This practice helps prevent the buildup of dust, dander, and potential pathogens that can irritate their respiratory system.

Pay special attention to cleaning areas where droppings accumulate, as this can contribute to the spread of bacteria and other contaminants.

Avoid Irritants

Minimize their exposure to irritants such as smoke, strong perfumes, aerosol sprays, and harsh cleaning chemicals.

These substances can irritate their respiratory system and trigger sneezing.

Ensure that their living space is located in a well-ventilated area away from areas where smoking or the use of such chemicals occurs.

Proper Ventilation

Maintaining proper ventilation in their environment is crucial.

Good airflow helps reduce the accumulation of dust or other irritants that can lead to sneezing.

Make sure the room where they reside has adequate ventilation, and avoid placing the cage in drafty or stagnant air areas.

Use Appropriate Bedding

When choosing bedding material for their cage, opt for less dusty options, such as paper-based bedding or other low-dust alternatives.

Avoid using cedar and pine shavings, as these can release aromatic oils that may irritate their respiratory system.

It’s important to provide a clean and comfortable bedding environment to minimize the risk of sneezing.

Avoid Sudden Temperature Changes

Budgies are sensitive to sudden changes in temperature and humidity.

Keep their environment as consistent as possible to avoid subjecting them to respiratory stress.

Avoid placing the cage near drafty windows or vents, and try to maintain a stable temperature and humidity level in the room where they reside.

Parasite Control

Implementing proper parasite control is essential to prevent infestations that can cause discomfort and health issues for your budgies.

Consult with a veterinarian and use vet-recommended products to protect them from mites, lice, and other parasites.

Quarantine New Birds

If you plan to introduce new birds into your home, it’s crucial to quarantine them for a few weeks before introducing them to your existing budgies.

This practice helps prevent the spread of potential diseases or parasites that new birds may carry.

Separate quarantine allows you to observe the new birds for any signs of illness before exposing them to your other budgies.

Stress Minimization

Minimizing stress is important for the overall well-being of your budgies.

Provide them with a calm and quiet environment, free from excessive noise, sudden movements, or stressful interactions.

Establish a daily routine and ensure they have enough mental and physical stimulation to prevent boredom and reduce stress levels.

Budgie Sneeze Sound

The sound of a budgie’s sneeze is typically a quick, soft, “chirp” or “peep” sound.

It’s not very loud and can often go unnoticed unless you’re paying close attention.

A little cute budgie sneeze.
This budgie sneezing many times.


Below, I’ve addressed some frequently asked questions concerning budgie sneezing:

Is It Normal For Budgies To Sneeze?

Yes, it’s normal for budgies to sneeze occasionally.

It’s their way of clearing out their nasal passages.

However, frequent or persistent sneezing can be a sign of an underlying health issue.

When Does Sneezing Begin To Be A Problem In Budgies?

Sneezing in budgies is a natural behavior that helps them clear their nasal passages.

However, there are certain circumstances when sneezing can become a problem and indicate an underlying health issue.

It’s important to be aware of these situations to ensure the well-being of your budgie.

Persistent or frequent sneezing that continues over a prolonged period of time can be a sign that something is amiss.

While the occasional sneeze is normal, persistent sneezing is often a cause for concern.

If your budgie is sneezing frequently or continuously throughout the day, it’s advisable to seek veterinary care.

Additionally, sneezing accompanied by other symptoms can indicate a more serious problem.

Keep an eye out for signs such as changes in behavior, loss of appetite, difficulty breathing, nasal discharge, eye discharge, or a change in the sound of their chirping.

These accompanying symptoms may indicate an underlying respiratory infection, allergies, mite infestation, foreign bodies in the nasal passages, or even nasal tumors.

Which Illnesses Can Make A Budgie Sneeze?

Various illnesses can lead to sneezing in budgies, including respiratory infections, allergies, and chronic mite or parasite infestations.

Can My Budgie Catch My Cold?

No, your budgie cannot catch your cold.

Viruses that cause colds in humans do not affect birds.

Do Budgies Sneeze When Cold?

A budgie might sneeze more frequently in colder temperatures, but this is not always the case.

If your budgie is sneezing consistently in the cold, it’s a good idea to consult a vet.

Does A Cold Make Budgies Sneeze?

No, budgies do not catch human colds.

However, they might sneeze more in colder temperatures.

Why Is My Budgie Sneezing Multiple Times In A Row?

If your budgie is sneezing multiple times in a row, it might be trying to clear something from its nostrils.

If the sneezing continues, consult a vet.

What Can Happen If My Budgie Sneezes On Me?

There’s generally no risk to humans if a budgie sneezes on them.

However, it’s always a good idea to wash your hands after handling birds.

Why Is My Budgie Sneezing Loudly?

If your budgie’s sneeze is louder than usual, it could be due to a blockage or an infection in their nasal passages.

Consult a vet if this is the case.

What Does It Mean When A Budgie Sneezes At Night?

Budgies sneezing at night could be due to the temperature dropping or them coming into contact with irritants.

If it’s frequent, you should consult a vet.

Why Is My Budgie Sneezing Liquid?

If your budgie is sneezing liquid, it might have a respiratory infection.

This is a serious issue that requires immediate veterinary attention.

Do Baby Budgies Sneeze?

Yes, baby budgies do sneeze, just like adult budgies.

However, if the sneezing is persistent or is accompanied by other symptoms, consult a vet.

When To Seek Veterinary Care?

Seek veterinary care if your budgie is sneezing persistently, if their sneezing is accompanied by other symptoms like changes in behavior, eating habits, or appearance, or if they are sneezing liquid.

These can be signs of a serious health issue.

