Petiska > Pets > Birds > Budgerigars > 7 Reasons Why Do Budgies Attack & Kill Their Babies?
This content is reviewed by Leslie Berry (Petiska Editor) Leslie Berry .
Silvester Lynton
Petiska Editor

7 Reasons Why Do Budgies Attack & Kill Their Babies?

Budgies may attack and kill their babies due to several reasons: chronic stress from environmental and social factors, parenting inexperience, limited resources, illness or genetic defects in the chicks, hormonal changes during the laying cycle, human errors, the intrusion of a new bird, and temperature fluctuations.

Are you a bird lover seeking to understand why budgies might attack or kill their babies?

Iā€™ve spent years observing, researching, and understanding these lovely birds, and now Iā€™ve put together a guide on the seven main reasons behind this unsettling behavior.

1. Chronic Stress and Its Effects

When we think of budgies, or any bird for that matter, we seldom relate them to experiencing chronic stress.

However, it is crucial to understand that, like us, these tiny creatures too, are subject to stress and its long-term effects.

Chronic stress can significantly influence a budgieā€™s behavior towards their chicks. This stress can be triggered by both environmental and social stressors.

Environmental stressors might include sudden habitat changes, like a move or a rearrangement of their cage, or the presence of predators, which can be as common as a household cat.

Social stressors, on the other hand, could stem from disruptive human interactions. A common misconception is that birds do not feel stress.

On the contrary, birds are highly susceptible to stress, and budgies, with their social and interactive nature, are no exception.

Creating a stress-free environment for budgies can ensure healthier and more positive interactions with their chicks.

This could involve minimizing abrupt changes in their environment, ensuring they are safe from potential threats, and encouraging peaceful human-bird interactions.

2. Inexperience and Parenting Mishaps

Just like human parents, budgie parents, especially the young or inexperienced ones, might inadvertently harm their chicks.

These errors can range from inadequate feeding and warmth to lethal mishaps. A young mother might not instinctively know the right amount of food required by her chicks or might not keep them warm enough.

Although itā€™s a natural learning process for budgies, first-time budgie parents can benefit from a little support.

The key here is maintaining a fine balance between human intervention and allowing natural learning to occur.

Overstepping might interfere with the budgiesā€™ instinctual learning process, while complete neglect could lead to mishaps.

3. The Impacts of Limited Resources: Space and Food

In conditions of limited resources, particularly space and food, budgies might resort to survival instincts that could unfortunately lead to infanticide.

A crowded cage or scarcity of food might trigger survival instincts in budgies, causing them to harm or kill their chicks in a desperate attempt to ensure their own survival.

Providing adequate space and nutrition during breeding is critical to avoid such heart-wrenching scenarios. Itā€™s important to ensure a spacious breeding environment and a diet sufficient for the budgie parent and the growing chicks.

4. Illness, Genetics, and the Survival Instinct

Nature has its ways, and survival of the fittest is one of its fundamental rules.

Budgies, like many other species, might instinctively kill their chicks if they detect signs of illness or genetic defects.

This behavior is deeply ingrained in their survival instinct, which dictates that only the healthy and strong should survive.

From both medical and evolutionary biology perspectives, this instinctive behavior is natural and in many ways, necessary for the speciesā€™ survival.

However, it is heartbreaking for us, the caretakers. Though itā€™s difficult to completely eliminate this instinct, being attentive to the health of breeding budgies and their chicks might help manage and potentially prevent such situations.

5. The Laying Cycle and Its Behavioral Consequences

One factor often overlooked when it comes to understanding budgie behavior is the laying cycle.

The laying cycle is accompanied by hormonal changes, which can result in aggressive behaviors in budgies.

Essentially, the hormonal shifts that drive the laying cycle can create tension that potentially leads to infanticide.

Itā€™s important to understand and empathize with these hormonal shifts, as they are a natural part of the budgieā€™s reproductive cycle.

Regular monitoring, avoiding unnecessary disturbances, and providing a calm and comfortable environment can help manage these shifts.

6. Human Errors and Misinterpretations

While well-intentioned, human errors and misunderstandings in the care and handling of budgies can have severe consequences.

Itā€™s a common misconception, for instance, that human caretakers should frequently handle the chicks. However, inappropriate handling can stress the parent budgies, indirectly leading to infanticide.

Being able to understand and interpret budgie behaviors correctly is crucial. A human mistake, no matter how trivial it may seem, can create an environment of stress or disrupt the delicate balance of the budgie family, leading to unfortunate incidents.

7. Intrusion of a New Bird and Social Stress

Budgies are highly social creatures, and their social dynamics are delicately balanced. The intrusion of a new bird into their environment can create social stress and potentially lead to infanticide.

This stress stems from the disruption of their established social hierarchy and the competition that the new bird introduces.

When introducing a new bird into a budgieā€™s environment, itā€™s crucial to do so gradually and with careful observation.

Ensuring that each bird has ample space and resources can help minimize stress and promote harmony among the birds.

šŸ“ŗ Video

This video, which shows how the female budgie attacks and bites her babies, and provides information on the subject, is very successful.


How Can We Minimize Stress in Budgies to Protect Their Chicks?

To minimize stress in budgies, we can maintain a calm and stable environment. Try not to move their cage frequently, avoid introducing new birds without a proper introduction phase, and ensure they have access to sufficient resources.

Regular and reassuring interaction with the budgies can also promote their sense of safety.

What Should First-Time Budgie Owners Be Aware Of to Prevent Mishaps with Chicks?

First-time budgie owners should be aware of the sensitivity of these birds. Itā€™s important to educate oneself about the dietary needs, social behaviors, and breeding habits of budgies.

Accidents with chicks often happen due to lack of knowledge or understanding of these areas.

How Can Adequate Space and Nutrition Be Ensured for Budgies During Breeding?

To ensure adequate space and nutrition, budgie owners should provide a large cage that allows for flying and movement.

Additionally, the diet should be rich in proteins and calcium during the breeding period, promoting the health of both the parents and the chicks.

How Can We Detect Signs of Illness in Baby Budgies?

Signs of illness in baby budgies can include lethargy, lack of appetite, difficulty breathing, changes in droppings, or a lack of growth.

If a budgie parent starts showing aggression towards a chick, it may be an indicator that something is off with the chickā€™s health.

How to Understand Hormonal Shifts in Budgies?

Understanding hormonal shifts in budgies is crucial to managing their behavior. During the laying cycle, budgies may become more aggressive.

Recognizing these changes and adapting the care approach can help prevent harm to the chicks.

What Common Human Errors Can Lead to Infanticide in Budgies?

Human errors such as mishandling of chicks, misunderstanding budgie behaviors, or not providing the right care can lead to infanticide.

Itā€™s crucial to learn about budgie care and breeding before deciding to breed your budgies.

Whatā€™s the Best Way to Introduce a New Bird to Budgies with Chicks?

Introducing a new bird should be done slowly and with care, allowing the budgies to adjust to the newcomerā€™s presence gradually.

A sudden introduction can lead to social stress and potential aggression towards the chicks.