Petiska > Pets > Birds > Budgerigars > How Much And How Many Times Do Budgies Eat Food? In A Day, In A Week, In A Year, Fruits, Vegetables, Seeds, Pellets
This content is reviewed by Leslie Berry (Petiska Editor) Leslie Berry .
Silvester Lynton
Petiska Editor

How Much And How Many Times Do Budgies Eat Food? In A Day, In A Week, In A Year, Fruits, Vegetables, Seeds, Pellets

Budgies should be fed twice daily, consuming around 1.5-2 teaspoons of food, with 60% of it being seeds or pellets and the rest fruits and vegetables.

In a week, this accumulates to about 10.5-14 teaspoons.

Monthly, this equates to roughly 45-60 teaspoons, which amounts to 547.5-730 teaspoons annually.

This guide is designed to address the commonly asked questions about a budgieā€™s diet.

From my experiences, readings, and observations, Iā€™ve learned that bird lovers, particularly budgie owners, are often looking for accurate and comprehensive information on this topic.

So, Iā€™ve put together this guide to shed light on the dietary habits of budgies, and provide insight into how much and how often these birds should eat different types of food.

Food TypeDailyWeeklyMonthlyAnnualFrequency
Seeds/Grains1 tsp (4g)7 tsp (28g)30 tsp (120g)365 tsp (1.46kg / 3.22 lbs)Twice a Day
Pellets1 tsp (4g)7 tsp (28g)30 tsp (120g)365 tsp (1.46kg / 3.22 lbs)Twice a Day
Fruits1/2 tsp (2g)3.5 tsp (14g)15 tsp (60g)182.5 tsp (0.73kg / 1.61 lbs)Every Other Day
Vegetables1/2 tsp (2g)3.5 tsp (14g)15 tsp (60g)182.5 tsp (0.73kg / 1.61 lbs)Once or Twice a Day

Please note these are approximate values based on an average budgieā€™s consumption.

The actual amount can vary based on your budgieā€™s age, health, and activity level.Ā 

How Much And How Many Times Do Budgies Eat Seeds And Grains?

Seeds and grains form an indispensable part of a budgieā€™s diet, providing essential nutrients, including proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

Typically, seeds and grains should account for around 60% of their daily intake, much like pellets.

Budgies should have access to seeds and grains twice a day, aligning with their overall feeding pattern.

On average, an adult budgie should consume about one teaspoon (~4 grams) of a seed and grain mix daily.

This equates to seven teaspoons on a weekly basis, approximately 30 teaspoons monthly, and roughly 365 teaspoons or around 1.46 kilograms (~3.22 pounds) over a year.

Remember, though, these values are estimates and the actual amounts can differ depending on your budgieā€™s individual requirements such as age, size, and activity level.

Also, not all seeds are created equal.

A well-balanced mix often includes seeds like canary seeds, millet, and oat groats.

Even with the nutritional value seeds and grains provide, itā€™s important to remember that they are just one part of a comprehensive diet.

Fresh fruits, vegetables, and appropriate pellet foods are also crucial for providing a range of nutrients for your budgie.

How Much And How Many Times Do Budgies Eat Pellets?

Pellets are a vital component of a budgieā€™s diet.

These compact nutritional sources are designed to offer a balanced mix of nutrients, and ideally, they should constitute about 60% of a budgieā€™s daily food intake.

As with the overall feeding schedule, budgies should be offered pellets twice a day, dividing their daily portion into two equal servings.

The exact amount, however, may vary depending on the budgieā€™s size and age, but typically, an average adult budgie requires around one teaspoon (about 4 grams) of pellets daily.

This means approximately 7 teaspoons a week and 30 teaspoons per month.

Annually, an average budgie might consume approximately 365 teaspoons, which is equivalent to roughly 1.46 kilograms (or 3.22 pounds) of pellets.

How Much And How Many Times Do Budgies Eat Fruits?

Budgies, much like humans, benefit from the rich vitamins and nutrients found in fruits.

An ideal budgie diet should include a small amount of fresh fruits, about 5-10% of their total food intake.

When it comes to the frequency, offering fruit to your budgie every other day is a good rule of thumb.

Keep the portion size small ā€“ a cube or two is usually sufficient.

Overfeeding fruit can lead to diarrhea due to its high water content.

How Much And How Many Times Do Budgies Eat Vegetables?

Vegetables are an essential part of a budgieā€™s diet, providing crucial vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber.

Budgies should ideally consume about 10-20% of their total food intake in vegetables, translating to a few teaspoons of chopped vegetables daily.

Unlike fruits, which are generally offered every other day, vegetables can be provided to your budgie daily.

Offering a variety of vegetables ensures your budgie receives a diverse range of nutrients.

Some popular vegetables among budgies include carrots, broccoli, spinach, and peas.

How Much And How Many Times Do Budgies Eat Herbs And Greens?

Herbs and leafy greens contribute significantly to a budgieā€™s diet.

These food items contain crucial nutrients like calcium, beta carotene, and other vitamins that promote the health and longevity of these birds.

On average, a budgie should consume around 18g of greens daily (about 0.63 ounces).

This can include a variety of herbs and leafy greens like spinach, dandelion, chickweed, shepherdā€™s purse, and sweet alyssum.

Offering these daily ensures your budgie receives the vital nutrients it needs.

Introducing different types of greens in your budgieā€™s diet not only provides a diverse range of nutrients but also keeps them interested in their food.

How Much And How Many Times Do Budgies Eat Protein (Hard-Boiled Eggs Etc.)?

While budgies are primarily granivores, they still require a small amount of protein in their diet.

Protein is essential for feather growth and overall health.

High-protein foods that are safe for budgies include hard-boiled eggs, lentils, and quinoa.

For the eggs, offer your budgie a small piece of a hard-boiled egg (about a quarter teaspoon) once or twice a week.

Remember to cool and chop the egg finely before offering it to your budgie.

Eggshells, if washed and crushed, can also be a good source of calcium for your feathered friend.

However, make sure to remove any uneaten protein foods from your budgieā€™s cage after a few hours as they can spoil quickly, especially in warmer weather.

Do note that a budgieā€™s protein requirements can vary depending on factors like age, health, and life stage.

How Much Food Do Baby Budgies Eat?

The amount of food a baby budgie eats depends on its age and size.

Younger chicks require smaller but more frequent feedings compared to older chicks.

As a general guide, a budgie chick may consume around 10% of its body weight in food at each feeding.

This would typically be about 2 to 3 ml of hand-rearing formula for a small, newly hatched chick, increasing to around 6 ml per feeding for a larger, older chick.

Always consult with an avian vet or experienced bird breeder if youā€™re unsure about the correct feeding amount or schedule.

How Often Do Baby Budgies Eat?

Baby budgies, also known as chicks, require frequent feedings to support their rapid growth.

A budgie chick in the wild would typically be fed by its parents every 1 to 2 hours during daylight hours.

In a pet setting, if you find yourself needing to hand-feed a budgie chick, itā€™s crucial to follow a similar feeding schedule.

Always use a specialized hand-rearing formula designed for baby birds, as it contains the right balance of nutrients for their development.

Itā€™s also essential to keep a close eye on the chickā€™s crop (a pouch in their throat where food is stored) to ensure itā€™s emptying properly.

Overfeeding can lead to crop stasis, a condition where the crop fails to empty, which can be fatal if not addressed promptly.


How Much Millet Should A Budgie Eat?

Millet is a favorite treat for many budgies.

However, itā€™s high in fat and should be given sparingly.

As a general rule, a budgie should not consume more than half a sprig of millet per week.

How Often Do Budgies Eat In The Wild?

Wild budgies typically spend a considerable part of their day foraging for food.

They typically eat twice a day, during early morning and late afternoon, to avoid the intense midday heat in their native Australian habitats.

The rest of their day is spent socializing, grooming, and resting.

How Much Food Do Budgies Eat In The Wild?

The amount of food wild budgies eat varies based on availability and the type of food they find.

However, on average, a wild budgie may eat anywhere from 4 to 6 grams of food per day.

This diet primarily consists of various seeds, but they also consume greens, fruits, and insects when available.

What Is the Ideal Portion Size for Each Food Category for Budgies on a Daily Basis?

The ideal daily portion size for a budgie includes 1.5-2 teaspoons of food, which should be a mix of seeds or pellets and fresh fruits and vegetables.

Around 60% of this mix should be seeds or pellets, while the remaining 40% should be fresh produce.

How Much Water Does a Budgie Require Each Day, and Does It Factor into Their Overall Food Intake?

A budgie should have constant access to fresh, clean water, separate from their food intake.

An average budgie may consume about half an ounce (15ml) of water each day.

However, this can vary based on the birdā€™s size, diet, and environmental factors like temperature and humidity.

How Do a Budgieā€™s Nutritional Needs Change with Age or Health Conditions?

A budgieā€™s nutritional needs can vary based on factors such as age, health, and life stage.

For instance, baby budgies require frequent feeding with a specialized formula, while adults need a balanced diet of seeds/pellets and fresh produce.

Budgies with health conditions may need specific dietary adjustments under a vetā€™s guidance.

Can Budgies Overeat and How to Prevent It?

Yes, budgies can overeat, especially when offered high-fat seeds or treats like millet.

Overeating can lead to obesity and related health issues.