What is budgie egg candling? Budgie egg candling is a process that checks with a light source whether the egg is fertile, infertile, healthy, and alive during the incubation period. Besides, budgie egg candling is necessary to observe the budgie chick development stages and the health of the budgie chick inside the egg.
Budgie Egg Candling Benefits
Budgie egg candling process benefits can be listed as follows:
- Checking whether an egg is fertile or infertile. To prevent the mother budgie from spending time and energy on infertile eggs. So, the fertile eggs will receive more care.
- Checking whether an embryo is alive or not during the incubation period. The egg may be removed if the embryo is not alive.
- To prevent rotten eggs (infertile or the egg with a dead chick inside) from damaging healthy eggs and contaminating them.
- To prevent budgie owners from experiencing any surprises.
How Do You Candle the Budgie Egg?
Egg candling is a simple process. A simple light source such as a smartphone flash, LED light, or torch can be used to candle budgie eggs.
When Should You First Candle Your Eggs?
In the first 3 days of incubation, usually eggs do not show any signs of life. Fertile and infertile eggs look the same.
However, by the 3rd or 4th day of incubation, it is clear whether the egg is fertilized or not. As a result, budgie owners should candle the budgie eggs starting from day 3 or day 4 of the incubation period.
How Do I Know if My Budgies Eggs Are Fertile or Infertile?
It is possible to understand whether the eggs are fertile or infertile after the 3rd or 4th day of the incubation period of budgerigar eggs.
The fertile eggs show an embryo and veins while egg candling.
But, infertile eggs do not show any development from the beginning and remain as yolk while candling.
Is Budgie Egg Candling a Required Process?
No, budgie egg candling is not a required process. But, due to the benefits of egg candling, most budgie owners prefer egg candling during the incubation period.
Budgie egg candling is a must when it comes to being able to observe the embryo development during the incubation of budgie eggs.
Budgie Egg Candling and Chick Development Stages in Eggs Day By Day 📸
Day 1
No signs of life on day 1.
Day 2
No signs of life on day 2.
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16
Day 17
Day 18
Development Stages of a Budgie Embryo Image Chart
Please check out the Budgie chick growth stages & charts [+2 Progressions] post by clicking the image below.